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Please report errors and clarifications needed

Posted: 26 October 2012, 14:40
by colancto
The CAPE-OPEN "Thermodynamic and Physical Properties" interface specification in its version 1.0 is described in a document available at ... 08.008.pdf.

A number of errors and unclear statements have been discovered over time and corrected for example in the revised version 1.08.008 of the document as released in May 2011. Still other errors, inconsistencies or unclear statements may still remain in the document. The Thermo Special Interest Group (SIG) of CO-LaN works continuously on resolving these issues. As users and developers of the CAPE-OPEN "Thermodynamic and Physical Properties" interface specification, you are the best placed to pinpoint issues in the document. Feel free to open topics in this forum about each one you may find. That will be of much help to everyone.