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How to return UNDEFINED

Posted: 25 May 2023, 15:48
by jrdp
In the specification of the GetPresentPhases() method of the ICapeThermoMaterial interface for example, it is stated that the output parameters shall be returned as "UNDEFINED". Now I am unsure how to do this.
In the header file Cobia_UndefinedValues.h, there is the line

Code: Select all

#define CapeStringUndefined (COBIA::ConstCapeEmptyString{})
but as I am not a programmer by trade, I am not sure if and how to use it.
In any case, I would greatly appreciate any tips on how to correctly return "UNDEFINED" as per the COBIA specification.


Re: How to return UNDEFINED

Posted: 26 May 2023, 13:10
by jasper
The definition you see is for passing as input argument. As output argument - I suppose the easiest it so call .clear() on the passed output argument itself - UNDEFINED for a string value equals an empty string.

Re: How to return UNDEFINED

Posted: 26 May 2023, 13:11
by jasper
What is the context in which you are returning UNDEFINED? Which function is it?

Re: How to return UNDEFINED

Posted: 30 May 2023, 13:41
by jrdp
This question arose whilst working on implementing the GetPresentPhases function of the ICapeThermoMaterial interface. The overall context is implementing a Modelica-CAPE-OPEN interface for Dymola.

Re: How to return UNDEFINED

Posted: 30 May 2023, 16:15
by jrdp
Regarding this particular function, GetPresentPhases, its parameters are CapeArrayString and CapeArrayEnumeration<CAPEOPEN_1_2::CapePhaseStatus>, so there is no clear()-function available. Would a resize(0) on the output parameters comply with the specification of the function?

Re: How to return UNDEFINED

Posted: 05 June 2023, 06:02
by jasper
Yes - UNDEFINED for arrays is an empty array. Indeed resize(0) will do the trick.