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splitter with fixed flowrate
Posted: 01 December 2019, 09:24
by mastrojoe
I'm trying to understand if it's possible to set the splitter to have a fixed flow rate for N-1 outputs, leaving the Nth free to follow the mass balance. It seems that it's possible to split only on a percent base, but this is very unconvenient in many cases. Suppose that you are making a steam balance, and you know that, within certain limits, the blowdown or makeup flowrate is constant. If you can only split them on a percent base you will have different values every time you change, even if only slightly, the circulating flow rate.
Re: splitter with fixed flowrate
Posted: 03 December 2019, 14:00
by jasper
With a measure unit (measuring flow rate into the splitter), an information calculator for each product stream (calculating the required split factor) and a virtual inlet information stream on the splitter (for the split factor) this is easily done.
You run of course the risk that the split fractions at to more than unity in case the feed flow rate is too low.
Re: splitter with fixed flowrate
Posted: 03 December 2019, 21:38
by mastrojoe
Thank you, Jasper.
I have to study this configuration. At the moment it's not "easy" for me
I still hope for a future upgrade of the split unit-op