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Implementation of the waste reduction (WAR) algorithm

Posted: 29 December 2018, 19:03
by Rodrigo
Good afternoon! Could one better explain the equations in the annex to the environmental impact study using flowcharts in COCO? I have studied some articles on the WAR algorithm but it is still not clear to me. Thank you!

Re: Implementation of the waste reduction (WAR) algorithm

Posted: 03 January 2019, 10:16
by colancto
The WAR algorithm is best known by Bill BARRETT at US Environmental Protection Agency. I will be pointing your post to him.

Re: Implementation of the waste reduction (WAR) algorithm

Posted: 03 January 2019, 17:59
by Rodrigo
Thank you! :)

Re: Implementation of the waste reduction (WAR) algorithm

Posted: 11 January 2019, 09:48
by colancto
Since the US government is in shutdown, Bill, as a US EPA employee, is not allowed to work. So do not expect an answer till the situation settles in the US, hopefully soon.

Re: Implementation of the waste reduction (WAR) algorithm

Posted: 12 January 2019, 22:27
by Rodrigo
I continue with the research on the WAR algorithm, I found some works that provide relevant information about the WAR algorithm but specifically about these equations I'm still researching. thank you for the information! :D

Re: Implementation of the waste reduction (WAR) algorithm

Posted: 19 January 2019, 22:23
by wbarrett

Re: Implementation of the waste reduction (WAR) algorithm

Posted: 25 January 2019, 01:53
by Rodrigo
was studying exactly those articles, my question is only about the equations and the meaning of some acronyms that are not available in the works. thank you very much :D

Re: Implementation of the waste reduction (WAR) algorithm

Posted: 25 January 2019, 07:13
by jasper
Perhaps have a look at ... ECCE-8.pdf, slide 16. I is impact, psi is PEI, M(dot) is flow rate, x is mole fraction.

Re: Implementation of the waste reduction (WAR) algorithm

Posted: 31 January 2019, 21:14
by Rodrigo
Excellent material Jasper, Thank you! one only doubt. What is the meaning of (ENVCAT) ?

Re: Implementation of the waste reduction (WAR) algorithm

Posted: 01 February 2019, 12:31
by jasper
Environmental impact Category.