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May 2, 2017 conference call

Posted: 02 May 2017, 12:04
by colancto
On May 2, 2017, Sergej BLAGOV (BASF), Jasper van BATEN (AmsterCHEM), Bjoern MARIBO-MOGENSEN (Hafnium Labs), Mark STIJNMAN (Shell Global Solutions) and myself held a conference call after the first iteration of off-line work on the Reaction Package interface specification. The week before, Mark had re-organized the document in three main parts, globally independent one from another. After introductory text on scope and reaction engineering background, the document addresses separately chemical reactions, then reactive phase equilibria and last compound slates. Each part contains sections giving a high-level description of the interface design adopted, then listing the textual requirements made on Process Modelling Environments and Process Modelling Components, then describing Use Cases and last interface definitions (details of each method of each interface).
An existing section within the overall introduction was split and re-distributed within the "Design" sections of each part. Subsequent steps in the document development were listed, prioritized and assigned. After ensuring that the files developed in Microsoft Visual Studio are kept embedded in the Word document for consistency, any reference remaining about hierarchy of reactions will be searched and deleted by Jasper, in accordance with the previous decision made about removing this hierarchy from the design. From the reading made by Mark and Bjorn, it appears that the explanations provided in the text about Delegate Material Objects as well as contextual compound slate, need to be made clearer. Mark and Bjoern have taken up this assignment.