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March 21, 2017 conference call

Posted: 21 March 2017, 21:54
by colancto
The Thermo SIG held a conference call on March 21, 2017. The objective was to progress the revision of the Reaction Package interface specification. Requirements, Use Cases, UML diagrams have already been prepared and the work focuses nowadays on describing the signature of each method.
Nevertheless, at the previous conference call on March 14, an additional Use Case was considered necessary and introduced. It describes how the list of Compound Slates supported by a Compound Server is made available to a Unit Operation.
On March 21, the wording describing this new Use Case was slightly revised. A new item was also introduced in the glossary of the Reaction Package interface specification document. It pertains to the Default Compound Slate. Further more the description of the GetCompoundSlateCollection method was slightly revised before moving on to the description of the GetCompoundSmateInfo method which gives access to a number of attributes of any given Compound Slate. Tje design chosen leaves the door open to additional attributes while the specification lists a number of mandatory and optional attributes such as type (true or apparent), reactive or not, etc...