March 2017 review of actions

The Interoperability SIG provides tools and advice to support the achievement of CAPE-OPEN interoperability and carries out interoperability testing where appropriate.
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March 2017 review of actions

Post by colancto »

The Interop Special Interest Group met on March 16, 2017 to conduct the monthly review of its actions.

On the agenda was the debriefing of the conference call held on February 24, 2017 about the CAPE-OPEN Type Libraries and Primary Interop Assemblies installers. For those who did not attend the Feb 24 web seminar, it can be replayed from the CAPE-OPEN channel. Some minor adjustments to the Developer Guide will be done soon and additional files pertaining to the example demonstrated will be provided, presumably in the Examples project repository since the demo pertains to the Mixer/Splitter code example.

The Interop SIG also discussed the next steps in the development of the CAPE-OPEN Logging and Testing Tool (COLTT). While a 64-bit version of COLTT has now been developed, it remains to figure out if a single COLTT controller is necessary. Insight from software vendors regarding their strategy in the interoperability of a 64-bit Process Modelling Environment and Process Modelling Components of either 32-bit or 64-bit architecture is needed: the Interop SIG will define a suitable way to gather input on this.

The Interop SIG commented also on Phase II of the COBIA project run by the Methods and Tools Special Interest Group.

The next review of actions will be conducted on April 24, 2017.
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