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Not able to STOP simulation

Posted: 17 February 2017, 14:47
by rhsrxs
I am using COCO version 3.2.03 and have recently encountered some issues. Some simulations that were previously saved under 2.7 are taking a lot longer to solve. When I try to stop the simulation by clicking on STOP, I do get the dialog box asking if I want to keep the results and I click on yes. However, the simulation will not stop. When I try to close the simulation I do get the message "Cannot close document while document is solving". I end up going into Task Manager to stop the program.

Re: Not able to STOP simulation

Posted: 17 February 2017, 15:40
by jasper
Is there any way I can investigate?

Re: Not able to STOP simulation

Posted: 17 February 2017, 17:48
by rhsrxs
I reran the simulation, then clicked on the STOP and waited. It took about 5 minutes before I got the User abort dialog box. So that function does work.

Re: Not able to STOP simulation

Posted: 18 February 2017, 08:16
by jasper
The simulation cannot be stopped when as long as a unit operation is in control. There is a mechanism for unit operations to check whether the PME wants to abort, but not all unit operations support that.

Do you know which unit operation takes 5 minutes to calculate?