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SciLab Unit Operation edit error
Posted: 15 October 2016, 13:25
by HenkF
Hi Jasper,
When trying to edit the SciLab Unit Operation I get the error "...Scilab Installation not Found. Unable to check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Scilab\LASTINSTALL"
All data in the registry seem to be there (LASTINSTALL does have a value).
I'm using COFE, Scilab 5.5.2, SciLAB UOP 2.0.8.
Any clues?
Kind regards,
Re: SciLab Unit Operation edit error
Posted: 15 October 2016, 14:20
by jasper
Are you running x64 or x86 COFE?
Do you have x64 or x86 Scilab installed?
can you put the following lines in a .vba file and see what it says when you execute it?
Code: Select all
Set WS = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
on error resume next
msgbox WS.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Scilab\LastInstall"),,"X64"
msgbox WS.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Scilab\LastInstall"),,"X32"
Re: SciLab Unit Operation edit error
Posted: 15 October 2016, 14:45
by jasper
Correction - that must be a .vbs, not .vba file
Re: SciLab Unit Operation edit error
Posted: 15 October 2016, 15:11
by jasper
Actually presuming this is the cause - please check the update posted now - This should find the x64 version from COFE x86 and vice versa. There is no reason for this not to work as Scilab runs out of process in any case.
Re: SciLab Unit Operation edit error
Posted: 15 October 2016, 16:21
by HenkF
Right on the spot!.
I indeed did run a mixed environment: COFE x86 with Scilab x64.
So obvious... Thanks!
Re: SciLab Unit Operation edit error
Posted: 15 October 2016, 17:27
by jasper
Glad to hear it