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COFe crash with controller input change

Posted: 02 September 2015, 08:52
attached flowsheet crashes COFE when changing the set-point of controller TC-1 to 900 (and any other value)

plz resolve,

Thanks E.

Re: COFe crash with controller input change

Posted: 02 September 2015, 09:01
Not any other value though, 600 works! then to 900 crash

Re: COFe crash with controller input change

Posted: 02 September 2015, 19:46
by jasper
It was a problem with the Gibbs Reactor. Thank you for reporting. Fixed. Fix is available via CUP.

Re: COFe crash with controller input change

Posted: 13 September 2015, 05:17
Next problem:

A parametric study on the pr as input and p-c1 as output crashes CoFe agin

Re: COFe crash with controller input change

Posted: 13 September 2015, 08:48
by jasper
Thank you for reporting. There were actually two underlying issues, the big one being that information feed streams are eliminated from the problem as 'need not be solved' which caused the parametric input to go lost and the entire problem to be independent of anything. Fixed. CUP.