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PCDmanager Cp Data Fitting

Posted: 16 July 2014, 03:07
by nrgeng
From a previous posting, I have checked the regression statistics in what follows.
Ideal gas heat capacity
  • selected estimating method from available choices in <T Correlations> panel
    imported data
    fit imported data
Seems to have worked, but regression statics are unverified by me at this time.
Ideal gas heat capacity: Original curve upon opening <T Correlations> panel
Original Curve
Original Curve
Compound W cp (scrn) 1.1.jpg (206.61 KiB) Viewed 8844 times
Ideal gas heat capacity: Imported external data
Imported External Data
Imported External Data
Compound W cp load (scrn) 1.1.jpg (218.8 KiB) Viewed 8844 times
Ideal gas heat capacity: Fitted imported data
Fitted Imported Data
Fitted Imported Data
Compound W cp fit04 (scrn) 1.1.jpg (218.09 KiB) Viewed 8844 times
Analyzing the vapor heat capacity data using a second-order polynomial, least squares, linear regression provided different results from the PCDmanager regression statistics from the fitted imported data. My regression statistics were:
  • coeff A = 16378
    coeff B = 563.30
    coeff C = -0.031591
    std err A = 16196
    std err B = 70.241
    std err C = 0.072218
    R2 = 0.99993
    std err Y = 2988.9
    F value = 27690
    Deg of Freedom = 6
    SSD mean = 7.4210E+11
    SSD given Y = 5.3601E+07
What is happening here? Why the difference?

Re: PCDmanager Cp Data Fitting

Posted: 16 July 2014, 13:22
by hkooijman
The difference can be explained that in PCDman a version of the ... _algorithm is being used. This method is usually good but sometime - when starting from bad initial guesses - it is not. Particularly the initial guess method needs to be improved. This will be done over time.

PCDmanager Cp Data Fitting 2

Posted: 16 July 2014, 15:27
by nrgeng
Data from <Table> pane in <T Correlations> panel
(Analyzed data has units of T (K) & J/kmol/K)

PCDmanager Analysis of data
  • CpIG Eqn 3 Data (Riazi-Daubert 1980)
    T min (K) 255.400
    T max (K) 922.00
    A -42463.55
    B 780.1198
    C -0.324541
nrgeng Analysis of data
  • CpIG Eqn 3 Data (Riazi-Daubert 1980)
    T min (K) 255.400
    T max (K) 922.00
    A -42463.3705
    B 780.1195
    C -0.324541
  • R2 = 1.0000
    std err Y = 0.36531
    SDD given Y = 2.4022
Very good data fit

Conclusion: PCDmanager fit of CpIG Eqn 3 Data (Riazi-Daubert 1980) is very good. Whereas the fit of Imported external data is not good. Why not use the same method, which is very good, for Imported Data as used for Estimating Method Data?