PCDmanager Cp Data Fitting
Posted: 16 July 2014, 03:07
From a previous posting, I have checked the regression statistics in what follows.
Ideal gas heat capacity: Original curve upon opening <T Correlations> panel Ideal gas heat capacity: Imported external data Ideal gas heat capacity: Fitted imported data Analyzing the vapor heat capacity data using a second-order polynomial, least squares, linear regression provided different results from the PCDmanager regression statistics from the fitted imported data. My regression statistics were:Ideal gas heat capacitySeems to have worked, but regression statics are unverified by me at this time.
- selected estimating method from available choices in <T Correlations> panel
imported data
fit imported data
- coeff A = 16378
coeff B = 563.30
coeff C = -0.031591
std err A = 16196
std err B = 70.241
std err C = 0.072218
R2 = 0.99993
std err Y = 2988.9
F value = 27690
Deg of Freedom = 6
SSD mean = 7.4210E+11
SSD given Y = 5.3601E+07