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The interface of Energy and Information Object
Posted: 16 July 2014, 01:18
by bcbooo
CAPE-OPEN has defined the interface on Material Object, that is "Thermodynamic and Physical Properties", including ICapeThermoMaterial, ICapeThermoCompounds, ICapeThermoPhases, ICapeThermoPropertyRoutine, etc.
But how to deal with Energy Object and Information Object, is there some interface defination? I don't find any description about them in CAPE-OPEN.
Any response appreciated.
Thank you!
Re: The interface of Energy and Information Object
Posted: 16 July 2014, 05:37
by jasper
The energy and information objects are described in the revised unit operation standard specification.
A short summary:
- the stream is an ICapeCollection of ICapeParameter objects
- for an energy stream, the parameters are pre-defined (including "work", "temperatureHigh", "temperatureLow")
- the ports that the energy streams connect to, expose an ICapeCollection of ICapeParameterDesc objects to identify what kind of information is expected on the stream
- before the PME connects the stream on one side, it could match the information exposed by the port to populate the stream content
- if the PME connects the stream on the other side, it can obviously not match both port ends in case they are conflicting
- the port therefore must refuse connections to streams that are not populated with suitable parameters; for an energy stream a port could expect "work" to be present as a minimum. For an information stream it could for example use the dimensionality of the data to assert suitability.
Full details are here: ... _v6.25.pdf
Re: The interface of Energy and Information Object
Posted: 16 July 2014, 06:49
by bcbooo
jasper wrote:The energy and information objects are described in the revised unit operation
Thank you Jasper for your excellent explaination.
Re: The interface of Energy and Information Object
Posted: 16 July 2014, 09:22
by jasper
You are welcome.