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Mixer Unit: Adding an Inlet

Posted: 24 February 2014, 04:50
by nrgeng
I am experiencing a similar problem to one that the Information Calculator Unit had. See: {{Information Calculator Unit Configuration (01/22/14), 3) no inputs show in Unit [Ports] dialog, a.) must add then delete virtual port to update Unit [Ports] dialog}}
1) add inlet to GUI dialog
2) displays in [GUI] [Ports] dialog but not in [Unit] [Ports] dialog
3) cannot connect to the newly added inlet
4) must add then delete a virtual port to update the [Unit] [Ports] dialog and to allow connection to the newly added inlet
Is this a problem common to all of the Units? Can the faulty section of code be searched, found, and replaced? Or does each Unit have to be reported separately?

Re: Mixer Unit: Adding an Inlet

Posted: 24 February 2014, 10:19
by jasper
Please update COFE using CUP, so that this problem is fixed for all units. Thank you for reporting.