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Heat Exchanger as Vaporizer

Posted: 31 January 2014, 13:14
by nrgeng
I encountered a problem with another simulation software in solving this problem. The problem could not be solved by that simulator. I am asking if Aspen Plus can solve this problem.

Problem Statement
Counter-current flow (neglect pressure drops)
Inlet 1: heat transfer fluid (Biphenyl, C12H10, MW: 154.211, CAS: 92-52-4), 0.5 MPa, 160 C, unknown flow rate
Outlet 1: heat transfer fluid, 0.5 MPa, 135 C
Inlet 2: water, 0.2 MPa, 25 C, 42.5 kmol/h
Outlet 2; water, 0.2 MPa, 125 C

Thanks for a solution or any advice.

PS: I found the solution by trial and error, but I would rather the computer perform this tedious task.

Re: Heat Exchanger as Vaporizer

Posted: 31 January 2014, 13:51
by jasper
As explained here ... p=791#p791 it does not take trial and error to find a solution, but an initial guess that results a non-singular problem (which you can generate without trial and error).

Re: Heat Exchanger as Vaporizer 2

Posted: 31 January 2014, 18:15
by nrgeng
Does the solution of this problem require the same effort, i.e., a parametric study, in Aspen Plus or can the Aspen Plus solver "resolve the singularity" on its own without the user intervention of providing a feasible initial guess?

The Aspen Plus manuals show a Unit Operation Block for HeatX: two-stream heat exchanger (Unit Operation Models, p. 3-5) which does not seem to require an initial guess by the user. Also in the Chapter, Convergence, Using Initial Guesses is discussed only with recycle streams (Aspen Plus User Guide, p. 17-1).