phase inconsistency with Excel CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation

Moderator: jasper

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phase inconsistency with Excel CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation

Post by TSLee »

phase inconsistency with Excel CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation

I think I found a bug regarding Excel CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation module.

Here is what I found;

I have chemical mixture with fixed composition and hot temperature.
This stream will cool down using count-flow heat exchanger using Excel unit operation module
(exact example on Excel CAPE-OPEN unit operation manual, so const Pressure)

Result says this stream is in VL equilibrium.

But if I add stream with that composition, T, and P in new stream COFE says 'vapor' not VL mixture.

I also checked using Matlab Thermo Import, given condition it is vapor.

But Excel unit operation outlet gives me 'liquid-vapor' mixture.

How can I fix this?
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Re: phase inconsistency with Excel CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation

Post by jasper »

Can you send me the fsd file so that I can see what is happening exactly?
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