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cofe-chemsep absorber

Posted: 07 December 2013, 08:46

I am trying to set up a COFE simulation for a divided wall distillation column, like the BTX example ... 8p6034.fsd , which solves without problems.

When specifying the first column (as simple absorber/stripper) chemsep checks everything green except results, however when closing the chemsep window i get the message "problem specification is incomplete"

When using "Check" in chemsep i get the messages: Column needs a feed to stage 1 and it should be a liquid, followed by column needs a feed to stage 1 and it should be a [p]

Even a simple absorber with two feeds gives the same message/error

How to resolve this?


Re: cofe-chemsep absorber

Posted: 08 December 2013, 13:32
by hkooijman

please check first whether the pre-column has a valid liquid feed to the top and valid vapor feed to the bottom to start out with.
Then check whether the vapor fraction that ChemSep receives are correct for a liquid feed (vapor fraction 0) and a vapor feed (vapor fraction 1).
Then check whether you have set the vapor feed to the bottom as "Split-below" and the top liquid feed as "split".
You should then not get the warning you encounter.
If this doesn't work please post your flowsheet.
