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Methyl Acetate example on ChemSep

Posted: 02 December 2013, 17:27
by rhsrxs
I was reviewing the Estericification of Acetic Acid with Methanol to Methyl Acetate example on ChemSep. The stream labelled MeOH is actually acetic acid and the stream labelled HAc is actually Methanol. Simulation works as the stream labelled as MeOH is connected to stage 4.

Is there anyway you can modify the unit report to include a selection for the Operation parameters (Type of simulation, Operation, Condenser, Reboiler, Number of Stages, Feed stage(s), etc.) and also the Column specs?

Re: Methyl Acetate example on ChemSep

Posted: 03 December 2013, 22:42
by hkooijman
1. Somehow, during the editing of the file while reconnecting feeds, they must have gotten swapped around. When renaming the stream labels I followed the process flow diagram and didn't look at the actual connection status. This can be done under the "Ports" while editing the UnitOp. Had I done that I would have seen that my top feed was entering at stage 27 and my bottom feed at stage 4, i.e. flipped! Thank you for pointing this out and I uploaded a corrected Methyl-Acetate flowsheet to the ChemSep web-site.

2. There is the "Specification" report that writes the information you want. Note that in an update still to come the number of stages also is written, as well as the product draw stages.


Re: Methyl Acetate example on ChemSep

Posted: 04 December 2013, 09:50
by jasper
The report could be included in the flowsheet graph. As can parameter reports.