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Excel array on Excel Unit Operation

Posted: 06 November 2013, 17:23
by TSLee

I have question regarding excel array.

I am using Excel Unit Operation add-on. by the way, this is great software.

my problem is I am only seeing first value of array results.

for example.
=capeCompoundConstant("molecularWeight") or {=capeCompoundConstant("molecularWeight")}
give me an array of molecular weight of my components.
but I only see the first value. How can I see the rest?

does any one know?

Re: Excel array on Excel Unit Operation

Posted: 06 November 2013, 18:03
by TSLee
after reading following link, I found what was wrong with me. ... 87290.aspx

Re: Excel array on Excel Unit Operation

Posted: 06 November 2013, 18:26
by jasper
Glad to hear it works!