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CSTR-eq Reactor Reactant Concentrations

Posted: 08 August 2013, 21:17
by nrgeng
By simply varying the flow rates of hydrogen and water, the flowsheet solves or fails to solve with error message
error: calculate failed for unit Reactor: Solution failed: Maximum number of iterations exceeded
The flow rates are: H2:H2O 1) 19.0:0.8 - OK; 2) 19.0:0.9 - Fail; 3) 20.0:0.8 - Fail. Any idea of the cause of the failures?

I e-mailed a flowsheet that exhibits the problem. Hope you can find a solution.

Re: CSTR-eq Reactor Reactant Concentrations

Posted: 12 August 2013, 13:44
by jasper
This was a symptom of a bug. Thank you for exposing that. The problem is fixed, and the fix is available via CUP.