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COCO v 2.06 available for download

Posted: 28 July 2013, 14:15
by jasper
It has been a while since the last update, but we are proud to announce that COCO update 2.6 is now available for download:
or use COCO Update (CUP)....
Since this forum's relaunch in April several of you have been exceptionally actively providing COCO feedback, which has lead to several important corrections and improvements. Many thanks!
Version 2.6 fixes a number of issues that were present in earlier versions. In addition, the following enhancements have been made to COCO:
  • Several performance enhancements,
  • Better logging of error descriptions in COFE's log window upon failures,
  • COFE documents contain a record of the last user that saved the document, available from the document properties,
  • Many improvements to the pure compound data in Chemsep1.pcd,
  • Support for more properties in the MeasureUnit,
  • Support for fugacity in reaction rate and equilibrium expressions in CORN,
  • Support for internal energy property and flash calculations in TEA,
  • A Clausius Clapeyron heat of vaporization routine for TEA,
  • The revised and validated Hayden O'Connel/ Prausnitz Chemical Theory / Uniquac Q' for mixtures containing carbonic acids has now been made a standard model selection of TEA,
  • Support for integer parameters in COFE's parametric studies.
For a complete list of changes, please visit

Re: COCO v 2.06 available for download

Posted: 09 August 2013, 15:53
by nrgeng
Thanks for all of the completed work necessary to launch this new version! I am looking forward to using some of the enhanced features listed.

I installed the new version via CUP today and am responding to report a potential oversight.
The installation began by installing ChemSep LITE 6v96, then during the COCO V2.6 installation I decided to refuse to install ChemSep LITE 6v95. I thought why overwrite the latest version with a previous version. Was this a good choice or is ChemSep LITE 6v96 being recalled and replaced with the earlier version?

ps. my screen showed COCO V2.60 during the download while your posting shows COCO V2.06. Is there a difference?

Re: COCO v 2.06 available for download

Posted: 10 August 2013, 10:51
by jasper
Thank you for posting your findings.

The COCO installer does not do a version check on the Chemsep installer, it just launches the installer that it has aboard which is the latest one at the time of release. The ChemSep installer used to warn about newer versions being complimented with older versions, but now allows for two versions to be installed simultaneously.

I will make a note of it an do a version check for the next COCO installer.

Re: COCO v 2.06 available for download

Posted: 10 August 2013, 10:52
by jasper
COCO 2.6 and COCO 2.06 are the same. Nothing should say COCO 2.60. Where during download did you see this?

Re: COCO v 2.06 available for download 1.1

Posted: 10 August 2013, 14:17
by nrgeng
CUP will not download again so I cannot answer your question about where.

Your posting uses V2.6, e.g.:
jasper wrote:It has been a while since the last update, but we are proud to announce that COCO update 2.6 is now available for download:
jasper wrote:Version 2.6 fixes a number of issues that were present in earlier versions. In addition, the following enhancements have been made to COCO:
The COFE [Help] [About] window shows 'COFE Version' CUP shows 'COCO Update' in its window.

So COCO is V2.06 and COFE is V2.6.0.0?

Re: COCO v 2.06 available for download

Posted: 10 August 2013, 20:00
by jasper
All components of COCO are 2.6, or 2.06, for the first two numbers of the version. Typically the third number remains zero and the fourth number shows the revision.

Since version 1.13, the revision for each component can be matched against the change log