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Window Expansion

Posted: 26 May 2013, 14:20
by nrgeng
I encountered two window operation problems for review:

(1) Flowsheet Configuration [Reaction Packs] [Edit] long Reaction names cannot be seen by expanding the overall window size. One needs to click Rename to see the long Reaction names. The window pane containing the reaction names does not expand as the overall window expands.

(2) Configure CORN (CORN Reaction Numerics) long Reaction Package names cannot be seen by expanding the overall window size. One needs to click Edit Template to see the long Reaction Package names. The overall window cannot be expanded.

My interpretation of proper operation is that each pane of a multi-pane window expands respectively in height and/or width as the primary window is expanded.

The Windows that perform as expected are: Configure TEA, Unit Parameter Report Properties, and Stream Report Properties to name a few.

Re: Window Expansion

Posted: 26 May 2013, 16:33
by jasper
There are no predefined rules for how a window should behave on changing its size, and whether that should be possible at all.

I do however agree that it is pleasant to be able to read long names.

The reaction package manager dialog is sizable now. The reaction configuration dialog contains the reaction name in the reaction properties pane.

Updates are available via CUP.

Re: Window Expansion 1.1

Posted: 26 May 2013, 16:58
by nrgeng
I was unable to download via CUP due to the error message:
Failed to download "COCOCORN.dll30300718619430903.cup": Problem obtaining "/cup/coco/COCOCORN.dll30300718619430903.cup": 404 Not Found
Can this be corrected?

Re: Window Expansion

Posted: 26 May 2013, 18:12
by jasper
Yes. Check again?