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Adding compounds in PCD manager

Posted: 20 March 2013, 03:28
by prashantpatel
How do we add compounds like sulfuric acid in the PCD manager?

Re: Adding compounds in PCD manager

Posted: 20 March 2013, 07:58
by jasper
Normally you can use the Web Import from the tools menu, and then provide the missing details. At this point in time however there seems to be a problem with the Web Import option, the authors are looking into it.

You can still create a new PCD file from the PCD manager, then hit Add New, enter the name, and enter all the details you have by hand. Important are the molecular weight, critical properties, ideal gas heat capacity. Other property requirements depend on the model you are selecting.

Note that a strong acid like sulfuric acid typically requires an electrolyte model to be modelled with any accuracy, which TEA currently does not support.

Re: Adding compounds in PCD manager

Posted: 20 March 2013, 10:43
by colancto
Would be of interest to know which process model you are considering here. It seems more and more people are getting interested in electrolyte models and it is worth for CO-LaN to know what are the user requirements with respect to these. Meaning what you want to achieve as a model.