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Ions and Salts
Posted: 14 March 2013, 09:22
by HenkF
Hi, is there any chance of defining and using ions and salts with COCO/COFE? Of course this depends on the defined thermo, but would it be supported by the COUSCOUS UOPS?
Regards, Henk
Re: Ions and Salts
Posted: 14 March 2013, 10:59
by jasper
TEA does not (yet) support electrolytes.
What implications do you foresee for unit operations, other than having to deal with solid phases?
Re: Ions and Salts
Posted: 14 March 2013, 11:02
by colancto
Would be interesting to CO-LaN to know your requirements with respect to ions and salts. CO-LaN is working on a revised interface specification for chemical reactions and is looking into the specific requirements brought in by ions and salts. Would you bring into COFE your own model of an electrolyte system or would you use a 3rd party software dedicated to the modeling of electrolyte systems?