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ChemSep V6.94 Problems

Posted: 11 February 2013, 17:48
by uwe81543

using ChemSepLite V6.94 in COCO(updatet via CUP) gives the Error : Failed to read results for outlett "TopProdukt" and the solve failed.
In ChemSep CO Interface it is not longer possible to add uservariables to be exposed to the flowsheet enviorement.
It is possible to select them but trying to save the Information" VecOK: un-initialised DVec [E#100] " apears. X-ing out the chemsep window is possible-but the slection has gone then.
Going back in ChemSep history both problems disapear for e.g. V6.90Lite works fine
So I am not sure on which side the problem is (ChemSep/COCO).



Re: ChemSep V6.94 Problems

Posted: 12 February 2013, 15:28
by jasper
using ChemSepLite V6.94 in COCO(updatet via CUP) gives the Error : Failed to read results for outlett "TopProdukt" and the solve failed.
Can you send an fsd file that demonstrates this problem?
In ChemSep CO Interface it is not longer possible to add uservariables to be exposed to the flowsheet enviorement.
This problem has now been fixed; the fix will be available in the next update of ChemSep.
Thank you for reporting this issue.

Re: ChemSep V6.94 Problems

Posted: 12 February 2013, 19:03
by uwe81543
Thank you for the reply,

i tried to reconstruct the first problem (to send you a .fsd) without success.
Every thing works correct (now) so I believe I made an mistake elsewhere ... sorry.

I am looking forward the update to fix the problem with the is a good and important tool makes it easy to "comunicate" with the column via ports.

