Some problems running COFE

Discusses use of COCO, the process simulation and modelling software suite from AmsterCHEM, downloadable from

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Some problems running COFE

Post by Usseglio »

Hi Jasper,

I am facing some problems to run the lastest version of COFE.
I have windows 7 pro SP1.
I understand the installation was done properly.

Basically what I saw so far is, I can open an existing but when I run it, COFE stops and closes sudendly. I could not even run the examples.
No problem with former version.
Maybe I am doing or I did something wrong.

Thanks for your support.


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Re: Some problems running COFE

Post by jasper »

This is of course not normal behaviour. Do you find any clue as to what is going on in the Event Log? (Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Event Viewer, Windows Logs, Application)?
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Re: Some problems running COFE

Post by Usseglio »

I understand the problem running COFE is related to GOOOP32.exe
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Re: Some problems running COFE

Post by jasper »

What makes you suspect this?
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Re: Some problems running COFE

Post by Usseglio »

It is the first pop-up window that appears when I run COFE64, basically saying "GOOOP32 is not properly registered ..."
I click ok buttom, COFE starts, but then I could not run properly any file.
I tried to run GOOOP32 from COCO folder, but I think it did not run.

I understand that the problem is not COFE itself, but the entire installation process, that I could not do it succesfully.

Having Windows 7 Pro 64bits, what COFE should I run ? I understand is COFE64.

Sorry Jasper about all this.


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Re: Some problems running COFE

Post by jasper »

You can run the 64 bits or the 32 bits version. The 64 bits version is a bit faster on x64 windows, but not much, and GOOOP32 is the glue between the 64 bits version and 32 bits clients, which is only required to load 32-bits CAPE-OPEN objects. So if you are just using COFE components, they are all available in both 64 bits and 32 bits, hence GOOOP32 is not required in this scenario. If you do load items via GOOOP32 they are no longer in-process, and as a result you will get some slower performance from these components. In this particular case it is probably faster just to use the 32 bits version of COFE.

If you run GOOOP32 /RegServer, it will redo its own COM registration. If you do that as administrator, e.g. from a DOS box that was started with administrative rights, it will be registered for all users; it will attempt to register just for the current user only if you installed COCO for the current user. Hence, running GOOOP32 /RegServer will likely fail to register if you are not running it with administrative rights, and if you installed COCO for all users.

Still, COFE simply exiting is not normal behaviour, but from what you report it does not sound to me like it is related to the message about the missing registration of GOOOP32. The update of COFE64 that will follow soon will not start GOOOP32 at the start of COFE anymore, so that message will be postponed until COFE64 tries to load some 32 bit component via GOOOP32.

Did the Windows Event Viewer not show any report on the reason for COFE64 to exit?
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Re: Some problems running COFE

Post by Usseglio »


I fixed the problem.
For some reason I had installed COCO twice, one in C:programfiles/... and other in C: users/... and it was giving inconsistencies, I think when I downloaded the installation file I run it and it was in that folder too, I do not how.

My deep apologies for all my silly former questions ...

Now COFE 32 bits is running just well.

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Re: Some problems running COFE

Post by jasper »

I know that installing two versions gives some trouble with administrative rights - or the lack thereof - of CUP. There is only one CUP running for the two versions.

However, none of that I believe should affect GOOOP32, and neither of this should lead to COFE just exiting.

Glad to hear the problem is fixed though.

Part of this is probably due to an issue with the installer that does not default to the version already installed on the system (it always defaults to All Users, even if a Current User version is already installed); this will be addressed in the next installer.
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