Problem(s) with COCO 3.2

Discusses use of COCO, the process simulation and modelling software suite from AmsterCHEM, downloadable from

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Problem(s) with COCO 3.2 {006d}

Post by nrgeng »

Comic Sans MS is a Windows font. ... ft_Windows

The problems are the same as with the Basic Sans Heavy SF font previously reported. Hopefully, this helps.
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Re: Problem(s) with COCO 3.2

Post by jasper »

Yes- that helps. The issue should be fixed now (CUP). Thank you for reporting
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Problem(s) with COCO 3.2 {006f}

Post by nrgeng »

Test results after updating with COFE
Configuring "Consolas 18 Red" in Flowsheet Configure Appearance Custom produces Consolas 23 in a Text Box and Consolas 31 as a Label and as Hypertext. The color "Red" although configured, is not represented in the Text Box, Label, or Hypertext.

I do not observe issue changes from the previous version.
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Re: Problem(s) with COCO 3.2

Post by jasper »

The (font-) colours can be configured from Colour Schemes; I disabled the corresponding controls in the font selection box. Label objects and HTML will always show in color "specification complete" (line color).

The font size issues you report should be fixed. There are still minor differences in font mapping between the {labels/label objects/hypertext object} and the formatted text object; this is due to the internals of the rich edit box that is used for the formatted text, and there is little I can do about this.

Update is availabe via CUP.
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Problem(s) with COCO 3.2 {006g}

Post by nrgeng »

Updated to COFE
The configure dialog produces erroneous results. Configuring Consolas 18 results in Consolas 14 when the Configure dialog is reopened after clicking OK, and Consolas 10 when it is loaded after being saved. This is worse than before. Does the rich edit box need to be replaced by a working entity, since it overrides my configuration selection of font size.

Labels and Hypertext show as Consolas 14 or Consolas 10 as described above.

Do you test these updates yourself before posting them? If so, then why are my results so different. My version of Win10 was last updated on 03/18/17. Any suggestions?
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Re: Problem(s) with COCO 3.2

Post by jasper »

Another update uploaded. Font sizes now remain after entering the setup dialog multiple times. Fonts out of rich edit still are somewhat bigger than the others.
Do you test these updates yourself before posting them?
Yes - but that does not imply I can test all functionality of the entire GUI with each update. This is why user feedback is important.
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Re: Problem(s) with COCO 3.2

Post by jasper »

All is working ok now?
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Problem(s) with COCO 3.2 {007}

Post by nrgeng »

(Cascade Control RSP Input Dysfunctional)
Updated to COFE

Within two different flowsheets, the same two problems occur. A portion of one flowsheet exhibiting one problem has been emailed as an fsd.
1) Cascade controls do not function properly. The secondary loop does not receive/accept RSP signal from primary loop controlled variable.

2) Document Explorer does not update displayed data. This problem occurs in the flowsheet but not in this portion of this flowsheet. (More about this in another Forum posting)

The RSP Information stream between primary and secondary controllers in a cascade loop is not resetting the secondary controller SP, but the RSP input of the secondary controller does change the SP without the primary controller connected. Can this be corrected?

Additional information regarding another flowsheet with the same problem:
Able to manually operate simulation with MV in the range of 48 to 52. When a controller is inserted, and set to MV of 50, it winds the MV to zero and all successive iterations are with the same residual shown. The solver seems to be "stuck." Any idea why? Have others reported any similar problems? I have observed this phenomenon in two different simulations. Has the solver been changed recently? I am now unable to use the Controller Unit in COFE for other than simple loops. Help! Any suggestions?
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Re: Problem(s) with COCO 3.2

Post by jasper »

1) there was some trouble in the fact that controllers are eliminated by the COCO 3.0 solver job scheduler, which in itself is ok (as the controller itself gets evaluated not by its calculate, but in the total function evaluation), but left the dependency on a virtual input stream for set point unaccounted for in job order determination as well as its Jacobian contribution. Fixed (a pretty large solver overhaul to fix that), thank you for reporting. The case also exposed a sequencing issue for parametric jobs, which is now solved. Fixes are available via CUP.

Not sure of whether this was introduced by your artificial example, but in your example case for the second controller, the measured value at solution must always be equal to the controlled value. Hence, you can, in this case, eliminate the controller, directly control the feed rate from the other controller and eliminate the measure unit.

2) not clear on what you mean. What exactly does not update? Can you send me a screen shot?
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Problem(s) with COCO 3.2 {008}

Post by nrgeng »

(Odd Behavior Probably Due to Controller Unit)

I will not be sending an fsd file but want to inform you of the odd behavior of the solver included with COFE version

I just inserted a Controller Unit into the flowsheet. The Controller Unit would not register the SP from the RSP port. The Controller Unit was deleted and a new Controller Unit was inserted. The controller registered the SP in the Unit Edit dialog so the flowsheet, which solved previously, solved.
1) Changed SP from 125 to 120
2) Partition 2 showed residual gradually decreasing
3) Stopped and aborted simulation
4) Restarted, and the simulation solved almost instantaneously
5) After that, the SP can be increased or decreased with almost instantaneous results
6) What happened? Was the Controller Unit at fault?

This problem seems similar to Item 1 of posting {007}, I hope this information will help when evaluating future reported problems.
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