Plotting Issues

Discusses use of COCO, the process simulation and modelling software suite from AmsterCHEM, downloadable from

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Plotting Issues

Post by nrgeng »

I am new to plotting in COFE. I have some issues that I am unable to resolve on my own. I hope that you can help.

(1) In using the plotting feature of COFE, how does one label the plot with the input variables that are held constant? For example, if I am varying mole flow rate with temperature and pressure held constant, I would like to see the constant values (Conditions) reported in a note on the plot for future reference. These Conditions are shown briefly when you mouse-over the Document Explorer Window. Do I need to copy the plot to a separate Draw Program to add the note?

(2)Two variables are plotted on the ordinate scale. How do I distinguish them from one another? The ordinate scale variable(s) is not labeled. Do I need to copy the plot to a separate Draw Program to add the y-axis labels?

(3) How does one change the plotted line weight to enhance its visibility on the printed plot? The red line connecting the data points is very faint when printed. Is it meant to be faint?

(4)The Print Preview of the plot is different from what is actually printed. The Legend is printed (moves out) off the plot area.

(5) One Print Device prints a different font size when it is the selected output device. When printed directly from COFE, the font size is greatly reduced from that printed from another Print Device or from the font size shown in the Print Preview. When the plot is first copied to the Clipboard, inserted into a Draw Program, and printed from the Draw Program using the same Print Device, the printed plot font size is as it should be. Why is this extra procedure necessary for this Print Device? No other programs that I use require this procedure when this device is chosen as the Print Device.
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Re: Plotting Issues

Post by jasper »

1) at this point in time you cannot add arbitrary objects, such as text, to the plot. You can however change a legend (or axis label, e.g. enthalpy at "T = 10 C and ...") to include the conditions. Support for inserting objects in the plot is on the wish list. You can double click the series, and change its label on the General tab (tick off the automatic label).

2) double click the axis to change its label (General tab)

3) double click the series, Appearance tab, line size (does not appear to work with the solid pen, this is a bug, fixed).

4) I cannot reproduce this beyond some round-off error. The legend is anchored on its central point so it may appear to move around a bit depending on aspect ratio, printer resolution and printer font. However, the print preview should render this (approximately) correctly. What kind of printer are you using? What paper size and resolution are you printing at?

5) The plot window and print output are at different size and resolution. Again, the print preview should render this ok (for the selected printer; the print preview content may change when you change the selected printer, its page size or properties). This is of course distinctly different from exporting the graphic from the plot window and printing the graphic. COFE tries to fill the page with the plot. The font scaling should be such that the printed font matches more or less the font size on the screen. If this is not the case, then perhaps there is a bug there. But again I cannot reproduce or fix this without knowing more about which printer device you are using. Can you give me more info?
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