Information Calculator Unit Configuration

Discusses use of COCO, the process simulation and modelling software suite from AmsterCHEM, downloadable from

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Information Calculator Unit Configuration 5

Post by nrgeng »

Thanks for the explanation of the differences between information and energy streams and a material stream.

The first part, which was not addressed, of my last comment provided my concern for validating and solving an invalid flow sheet. I am concerned about the current interim state of the IC Unit. COUSCOUS has left the IC Unit displaying invalid information that the user is able to save and/or print in an invalid flow sheet. The old input variable is displayed even though it has been replaced by the renamed input variable.
Flow Sheet with Installed Error
Flow Sheet with Installed Error
IC Unit (Forum) 14 Feb 01.gif (198.87 KiB) Viewed 10425 times
You do agree that this is an unwanted situation, an error? While I would prefer an automatic information stream data updating mechanism, none exists now with Revision 18. I have tested it. You can test it yourself. What I suggest is that in this intermediate state you revert to the Revision 17 manual updating method, wherein the updated stream automatically disconnects, and as the user reconnects the stream, the stream data update. This seems to me to be the best solution until an automatic information stream data updating method is developed and implemented. No one wants to save an invalid flow sheet. I solicit your comments.

PS. My comments are not intended to make COCO worse.
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Re: Information Calculator Unit Configuration

Post by jasper »

It seems to me that if you rename a variable inside the information calculator, it reflects the same piece of information. It makes sense for the connection to remain in this case, I reckon.

Opposed to the scenario where you would, in the information calculator, delete the variable and create a new one. Which from a work flow point of view would indeed be a different piece of information. Which is still associated with a new port and the old one gets disconnected.

In order words, renaming a variable does not make it a new variable. That the name change does not get reflected in a name change in the variable of the stream is because the variable of the stream is not a direct reflection of either of the two sides it can be connected with (as it cannot reflect both at the same time). So only the name of the variable at the port at the time of first connection of the stream is used as the initial name for the stream data, and what is required is a means to rename the data on the stream. This is on the list of things to do.

It seems to me that remaining connected rather than disconnect and having to re-enter the data is an improvement over the previous situation upon renaming an exiting variable.
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Re: Information Calculator Unit Configuration

Post by jasper »

With the COFE update that is now available via CUP you can rename the information stream data (right click the stream).
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