xy plot inconstant pressure

Discusses use of COCO, the process simulation and modelling software suite from AmsterCHEM, downloadable from http://www.cocosimulator.org

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xy plot inconstant pressure

Post by edwin »


1. is there a simple way to make an xy (binary, e.g. etoh/water) plot from 0-1 at constant pressure in COFE?
i can make T plots of bubble(x) and dew(y) compositions but these are actually x/y plots vs. T

a converged chemsep simulation shows the xy curve under the MCGT display, but only for the operating conditions (not 0-1) also data from the plot cant be seen/exported (or am i wrong?)

reg. edwin
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Re: xy plot inconstant pressure

Post by jasper »

Try a binary plot, for properties DewPointTemperature and BubblePointTemperature in COFE?
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Re: xy plot inconstant pressure

Post by jasper »

a converged chemsep simulation shows the xy curve under the MCGT display, but only for the operating conditions (not 0-1) also data from the plot cant be seen/exported (or am i wrong?)
Can you send the sep file?
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Re: xy plot inconstant pressure

Post by edwin »

made the binary plot, as said above, when exported to excel these are x_T and y-T data points. to make an xy diagram of these data i would need to make some sort of interpolation routine. Hence my question: a simple way to create a xy plot which can be exported to excel

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Re: xy plot inconstant pressure

Post by jasper »

Ah - I see what you are saying. Apologies.

No - currently there is not, as the temperature for a binary series is always fixed, you cannot (yet) select equilibrium temperature here.

However, if you want the data in Excel, you can embed the entire document in Excel, and calculate the data you want via the Excel interface:

http://cocosimulator.org/index_help.php ... _therm.htm
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