crude oil

Discusses use of COCO, the process simulation and modelling software suite from AmsterCHEM, downloadable from

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crude oil

Post by aken »

is there a way of entering the TBP data in coco in conjunction with chemsep. I tried but l can not change values on the chemsep oil characterization window. See data attached
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Re: crude oil

Post by jasper »

Is this table from a book?
Posts: 54
Joined: 18 December 2018, 06:02

Re: crude oil

Post by aken »

Yes it is
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Re: crude oil

Post by aken »

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Re: crude oil

Post by hkooijman »

Enter ChemSep gui. Please start the PCD manager by clicking on the Benzene ring icon. Now close the existing opened library with File-Close. Navigate to Edit-Add Pseudo. Select Kesler-Lee 1976 for the Tc and Pc, w and Mw. Use Riazi-Daubert 1980 for the Vc and CpIG. You can use Twu 1984 for viscosity and API 12 A3.1 for kL. click the CAS generation and enter 999TTT-NN-C for the string. Start the library index at 1. I assumed the end boiling point is 600 C. I converted to Kelvin and entered your data as the Tave and SG::

T T (K) Tave (K) SG
30 303.15 325.65 0.653
75 348.15 360.65 0.704
100 373.15 385.65 0.735
125 398.15 410.65 0.759
150 423.15 435.65 0.777
175 448.15 460.65 0.789
200 473.15 485.65 0.801
225 498.15 510.65 0.813
250 523.15 535.65 0.83
275 548.15 565.65 0.843
310 583.15 601.65 0.859
347 620.15 631.65 0.877
370 643.15 658.15 0.893
400 673.15 688.15 0.905
430 703.15 788.15 0.972
600 873.15

I then press generate. Save the pseudo components to a PCD library e.g. p1.pcd Exit PCDman and return to ChemSep. Under component selection browse the folder to the PCD file you just generated and select it. In ChemSep you can now load the components. Make a simple flash operation by finishing the thermo models (e.g. by selecting a SRK equation of state). Once that flash runs, you can use the File-Export option to generate a COCO flowsheet with the PCD selection as a CAPE-OPEN Property Package. The flash should then run in COCO just like it does in ChemSep. The column will require a condenser that is separated. for ChemSep columns do not have a free water decant option yet.

Good luck.

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