ChemSep 7v12 Path Designations

Discusses use of COCO, the process simulation and modelling software suite from AmsterCHEM, downloadable from

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ChemSep 7v12 Path Designations

Post by nrgeng »

While configuring a COCO simulation, the Paths Pane was opened and 6 of 8 files pointed to 7v05 Folders not 7v12 Folders. The Executable Files pointed to the 7v12 Folder. Does this allow the use of the latest updated routines? Please view the attached image for more information.

Note: I am using Windows 10 and I log in as a User not as the Administrator.
Paths Pane
Paths Pane
ChemSep7v12.jpg (108.75 KiB) Viewed 10995 times
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ChemSep 7v12 Path Designations 2

Post by nrgeng »

While working with the ChemSepUO File Menu, problems occurred with the use of Load, Reload, and Save. I have read The ChemSep Book, 2nd ed., Ch. 1, Sect. 1.1 without finding answers.

When a SEP file is saved with a new name the new name does not show at the bottom in the ChemSepUO Status Bar or when the new SEP file is loaded.

Altering Paths
Trial 1
Loaded COFE Flowsheet, solved Flowsheet, opened ChemSepUO.
Saved a SEP file. Closed ChemSepUO.
Opened and edited Paths in the SEP file in Notepad then saved SEP file.
Opened ChemSepUO.
Loaded the edited SEP file.
Opened the Paths Panel in ChemSepUO and noticed that the Paths had not changed. Why?

Trial 2
Opened ChemSepUO.
Edited the Paths in ChemSepUO, saved the SEP file, exited, opened ChemSepUO, and noticed the Paths had reverted to their original values.

I am not able to change the Paths in the ChemSepUO. The File Menu options of Load, Save, and Reload are not intuitive to me. Please explain their operation.
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Joined: 13 April 2013, 23:50

Re: ChemSep 7v12 Path Designations

Post by hkooijman »

I assume you are running multiple versions in parallel, otherwise the folder names with 7v05 would be invalid and you would be running into all kinds of problems. Just change all 7v05 to 7v12. After that you need to save them to the configuration file, under Tools-Save Settings. Use the default file-name and location that you are prompted for that resides on your user local settings.

Note that in CAPE-OPEN mode, ChemSep cannot arbitrarily use sep-files, as the sep-file for the column for which the GUI was opened remains the "active" file. The file menu enables you to save a new copy to a different name, but active must remain the sep-file associated with the column in the flowsheet.

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