Failing Normalization

Discusses use of COCO, the process simulation and modelling software suite from AmsterCHEM, downloadable from

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Failing Normalization

Post by HenkF »

Dear all,
Please find attached a single stream flowsheet. It represents a fluegas composition after a burning stage. The setup contains 2 property packages: water for steam-water cycle representation (not used here) and fluegas, a small selection of components contained in a flue gas. The odd thing happening can be replayed by changing e.g. the CO2 content to 0.14, and back to the original 0.15. The overall composition adds up to 1 (100%), but COFE keeps complaining about "compositions for stream 95 are not normalized. incomplete specification for input stream 95."
Which leads to the simple question: what am I missing? Is this error repeatable?

Thanks and regards!
BEC FG Input.fsd
Fluegas composition
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Re: Failing Normalization

Post by jasper »

Thank you for reporting this; this is a compound indexing issue in the conversion of mass to mole fractions, when the compound on the MO do not match the order and count of compounds in the document.
This is fixed now, and the fix is available via CUP.
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Re: Failing Normalization

Post by HenkF »

It also unintentionally pointed me to an error I made regarding that input. It should be in mole %.
Regards, Henk
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