Thanks for your helpful suggestions and rapid response to my questions. I will provide my logical (?) process in what follows.
(Resp1) For my first time, I am adding a new compound to the databank. In a component-less PCDmanager, I added one new component, Compound W. {NB: your literature interchanges the words compound and component so I will too.} To avoid any frustration in not being able to use a newly added compound, I created a simple test; I configured a minimum amount of fields to obtain green essential data, saved the pcd file, exported a txt file (same as a pct file in Notepad), then imported the txt file. To my surprise-NO plots! So here we are, my previous first question.
and then are trying to re-import it for some reason.
The reason is to test the portability of newly configured components.
PCDmanager Tutorial-PCDmanager can export property data to text files. An advantage of text files is that they can be read (or created) by many different programs. PCDmanager can also import property data from a file with the correct format.
When the Compound W txt file is imported into a component-less PCDmanager, no plotting functionality exists within PCDmanager. This is of significance to me for my efforts. In retrospect, a good test to avoid major frustration. Why spend hours in configuring a new component and then not be able to retrieve it! That is my current situation. Why was not the required plotting information contained in the exported Compound W txt file so that when the Compound W txt file was imported the plots were available. In does does not equal out, since the exported information was not returned upon import. I expected the plotting information to be imported since I assumed that it was exported. What happened to it?
The <Table>, <Settings>, <Data>, and < = > panels are all populated with data, but no plots show. I apologize for asking, but could the txt file export have a bug?
(Resp2) I have not experienced any problems (as a novice) with the <Import> panel, but thanks for the development information.
(Resp3) The Fit iteration resets as you stated, but the plotted curve does not. How can the curve be reset? I am familiar with R2, but what are the s(1) through s(4) regression statistics?