Search found 4 matches

by spadeace44
25 April 2018, 20:48
Forum: COCO (AmsterCHEM)
Topic: controller
Replies: 1
Views: 9553


I would like to use a controller to vary the methane conversion (rxn1) to achieve an exit concentration of 0.06868 in stream 5 from Reactor_1.


by spadeace44
05 April 2018, 22:42
Forum: COCO (AmsterCHEM)
Topic: Units
Replies: 1
Views: 7205


Is there an easy way to change units without repeating the whole flowsheet? For example change temperature from K to C.


by spadeace44
30 March 2018, 05:38
Forum: COCO (AmsterCHEM)
Topic: incomplete stream specification
Replies: 1
Views: 7056

incomplete stream specification

This is in the back of the flowsheet. When I enter a new stream with its flow, composition, temp and pressure the MW is not calculated and the unit op can't be calculated either. It tells me incomplete stream specification. I think it is a small error but I haven't found it. Dewey Moore, spadeace44@...
by spadeace44
13 March 2018, 18:37
Forum: COUSCOUS Unit Operations (AmsterCHEM)
Topic: Compound splitter
Replies: 2
Views: 12729

Compound splitter

My compound splitter puts the full feed into the main but I’ve specified the splits.


Dewey Moore

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